Race Amity Day

Race Amity Day

On June 1st, from 10:00 am-1:00 pm at the YMCA Berkeley Heights, Peace of Mind Yoga, Counseling, and Wellness Center along with the Summit Area YMCA, Berkeley Heights Diversity Council, New Providence Diversity Committee, and the Springfield Unity Project is hosting a free day of events, including art exhibitions, fun activities, music, dance, and speakers. We will invite the community to our event with their picnic blankets, chairs, families, and hearts in the spirit of coming together! We look forward to keeping you updated with all the details!

Race Amity Day is an annual event celebrated on the second Sunday of June. It was established in the United States to promote understanding, respect, and cooperation among people of different races and cultures. Race Amity Day encourages people to come together and celebrate the diversity within our communities. It is a day to honor the progress made toward racial harmony and to recognize that there is still work to achieve greater racial equality. The celebration of Race Amity Day is meant to inspire people to build bridges of understanding and friendship between different racial and ethnic groups and to work towards a future where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Race Amity Day NJ

At Peace of Mind, we proudly observe Race Amity Day. This initiative emerges from our deep commitment to understanding and honoring the experiences of the Black, African American, and broader BIPOC communities. This decision is rooted in the enriching discussions from our racial justice meetings, guided by our consultant Tamu Lane, which focus on these communities’ significant histories and ongoing contributions.

Our observance of Race Amity Day is not just about unity; it’s a dedicated moment to acknowledge and celebrate the pivotal roles and cultural richness of Black and African American communities. This aligns with the integrity and fidelity of our practices in therapeutic modalities, where we honor original methodologies and their transformative impacts. In working with the integrity of what we stand for, we felt the celebration of Race Amity aligned with our mission.

Race Amity Day was initiated to confront and heal from the racial tensions in the United States, explicitly lifting the voices and experiences of Black Americans. It’s a day to reflect on the progress toward racial equality while recognizing the continued efforts needed to ensure respect and justice for all.

We invite our community to join us in this observance, which presents a unique opportunity to engage with and learn about the profound impact of Black and African American cultures. It’s about celebrating these communities' strengths, resilience, and invaluable contributions to our society.

We are deeply grateful for your participation in this meaningful celebration. Together, we can appreciate and honor the incredible diversity and depth that the Black and African American communities contribute to our shared history and future.

If you or someone you know would like to volunteer for the event, please email us at raceamity@pomnj.com.

We are also accepting donations to help cover the costs of the event and items for the day of the event. You can donate here!

 Interested in volunteering for Race Amity Day?

or, click the Chat button on the bottom right of the page.

PEACE: a noun meaning freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.