Our Yoga Schedule
New to us? Whether you’re looking to try a beginner-level class or something more complex, We have options to fit what you need.
Enjoy your initial 21 consecutive days of unlimited yoga for $77.
Class Schedule
Class Descriptions
Beginner Yoga
Learn the basics and get comfortable with your yoga practice. Then, enjoy the space and time for yourself. All levels welcome!
Mid Week Meditation
Take a pause in the middle of your week to calm your mind and focus your attention on the present moment. This 1⁄2 hour meditation session is designed to help you connect deeper to yourself and provide you with tools you can take with you into your day-to-day life.
Yoga for Breathwork & Body Alignment
Our Breathwork & Body Alignment class combines two healing modalities to bring awareness to the body and enhance our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This yoga practice will use a variety of poses and props to help optimize the alignment of the skeletal system. The addition of breathwork will energize us and deepen our focus by connecting us to ourselves.
Using Reiki's energy healing technique, we will work to enhance relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. Through the use of their hands, the reiki practitioner delivers energy to your body, helping to rebalance your flow of energy to move you towards healing.
Slow Flow
This gentle flow focuses on the impact of breaths and calmness, allowing the body to slow with ease. Restorative postures and shapes are incorporated into this class.
Trauma-Focused Yin Yoga
Experience a yoga practice with a trauma-focused therapist. In this class, you will slowly hold a variety of yoga floor shapes and postures while gentle music plays to soothe your soul and your nervous system.
Candlelight Yin Yoga and Journaling
Under the glow of candlelight, this yin class combines journaling and meditation to provide a sense of great balance. Our teachers will guide you in warming up your body, then calming and cooling the mind with an ending meditation and reflection.
Yoga for Anxiety
This class is guided by a trauma-informed yoga teacher and uses tailored movements and poses to help you release stress and anxiety for the first part of the class. The second part of the class will cool the body down with slower, gentler poses allowing for regulation and calming.
Rise and Shine Yoga Flow
This early morning yoga practice is designed to ease you into your day. During this class, you will connect your mind and body with an opening meditation and breathwork, and strengthen the relationship between your breath and movement during a gentle yoga flow that concludes with a deep stretch cool down. A morning yoga practice can aid in productivity and overall well-being throughout the day.
Restorative Yoga
This class offers a unique restorative yoga experience centered on a gentle flow. Our approach emphasizes the importance of breath and calmness, allowing you to ease your body into deep relaxation. This class incorporates restorative postures where you are fully supported by props, for approximately 5-7 minutes per shape, creating an environment that encourages slow and mindful practice. This class is designed to nurture your body and mind, helping you find balance and tranquility in your daily life.
Mindfulness and Yoga Foundations for Beginners
A foundational class is great for everyone – whether you’re looking to begin your personal yoga practice or continue your journey. This class will focus on breaking down the building blocks of yoga, including shapes, movements, the use of various props, and mindfulness practices.
What is yoga?
Yoga is a Sanskrit word Yuj, which means to yoke or to bind. It is also known as a union. In the world of yoga, there are eight limbs: Yamas (restraints), Niyamas (observances), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyani (meditation), and Samadhi (absorption).
When speaking of yoga, most people engage in the third limb of asanas. This is the practice of physical postures and poses that help strengthens the body and mind with meditation.
I am not flexible, is that a problem?
Yoga creates flexibility. So, do not worry about your feelings about your level of flexibility. Flexibility will grow with regular yoga practice!
What should I bring and wear?
You can wear anything you feel comfortable in to do yoga. Peace of Mind is a safe and nonjudgemental space. We want everyone to feel happy and comfortable in their bodies. You can bring a mat (or you can rent one for the class) props (blocks, straps, knee pad) if you would like, but please know that we also have props at the studio.
I’ve never done yoga before, what can I expect?
You will place your belongings and shoes in the cubbies right by the door when you come in. The teacher will greet you to get you checked in and discuss your questions. Next, you will enter the door to the yoga room with your mat. You will see how the other mats are arranged in the room and place your mat in a space you feel comfortable. The teacher will inform you of what props you will need (provided by the studio), and you can also take a flip-chip. This chip will be face up if you would like an assist during class or down if you prefer not to have an assist. Next, the teacher will walk you through all the poses and adjust if you feel comfortable. If you have any questions, you can also chat with your teacher.
I have anxiety or depression, is yoga for me?
Yes, yoga is an amazing way to help quell anxiety and depression by focusing on the present and mindfulness. Knowing how emotions are stored in the body, yoga will allow you to release feelings and emotions tied to anxiety and depression. It is not a "cure" for either of these. However, many people have found that they feel more in control of their lives through yoga and counseling.
What exactly do you mean by meditation?
Meditation is a practice of calming the mind. It is challenging for us to "turn off" our brains. Instead, we can focus on our breath and notice what floats in our minds. We acknowledge the thoughts and let them drift away. The more we focus on our breathing, the more we can calm our minds.
“Peace of Mind Yoga is an incredibly welcoming and supportive studio. Kris and her team are amazing and made me feel as if I was among friends from the first day I walked into the studio. It’s a place where I’m encouraged to explore what my mind and body can do. This space has helped me cope with challenges in daily living while also showing me how strong and powerful my mind and body is. The instructors always appear genuinely happy and celebrate with me when I’m able to reach a new milestone. All are welcome, from the novice to the experienced yogi! I highly recommend Peace of Mind Yoga.”
— Client